We, the undersigned Sudanese civil society organizations, call for the ACHPR support to adopt a resolution on Sudan setting up an international commission of inquiry into all violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws and related crimes committed in Sudan since 15 April 2023.
We draw the attention of the regional and international community, through the HRC and the ACHPR, to the deteriorating human rights situation in Sudan by highlighting some of the serious human rights violations that have occurred since the eruption of war between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023. The war is marred with large-scale violations, especially in Khartoum State, the main theater of military operations in addition to most parts of Darfur states, wherefighting has spread parallelly. The war also expanded to North and South Kordofan in the west, and BlueNile state in the south. The human rights situation has worsened significantly across the country due tothe lack of rule of law, absence of functioning state institutions, collapse of judicial and law enforcement institutions and taking public facilities, and services (such as health and education services and fuel, water and electricity supplies) out of service. Furthermore, economic collapse in most sectors because of thewar and disruption of production and commercial activity affected the lives of millions of people and putthe entire country on the brink of total collapse. The two warring parties have shown extreme disregardfor the applicable international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law opening thedoor wide to systematic violations, some of which can be classified as war crimes or crimes against humanity.